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Trauma Treatment - Healing the Whole Person
Meaning-Centered Therapy & Trauma Treatment Foundational Phase-Work Manual
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author), Dr. Gabriel Ghanoum (Author), Dr. Pavel Somov (Foreword), Dr. Brent Potter (Epilogue), Dr. Ann-Marie Neale (Editor), Chady Elias, MFA (Cover Design).
Includes Reproducible Handouts! Non-assignable permission to reproduce clinician and client handouts in this manual for clinical use.
Discovering Meaning in Life, and Tapping into our Resilience and Healing Capacities IN SPITE OF TRAUMA …
MEANING-CENTERED THERAPY combined with the TRAUMA TREATMENT FOUNDATIONAL PHASE-WORK (TTFP) Model is an integrative and multi-dimensional approach to the holistic treatment of trauma and traumatic stress. Through clinical, evidence-based, trauma-informed and meaning-centered interventions, clinicians and clients will learn how to address the various bio-psycho-social-spiritual symptoms and effects of the aftermath of trauma and overwhelming experiences. Clients will be able to
(1) Build safety, stability, regulation & flexibility.
(2) Significantly reduce/eliminate trauma response symptoms.
(3) Increase engagement with others, life & meaningful goals.

Meaning-Centered Therapy & Trauma Treatment Foundational Phase-Work Manual Book By PhD, Marie S. Dezelic (Author), PsyD, Gabriel Ghanoum (Author), PhD, Ann-Marie Neale (Editor), PhD, Brent Potter (Epilogue), Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design), PhD, Pavel Somov (Foreword) TRAUMA TREATMENT - HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON Includes Reproducible Handouts! Non-assignable permission to reproduce clinician and client handouts in this manual for clinical use. Discovering Meaning in Life, and Tapping

Meaning-Centered Therapy & Trauma Treatment Foundational Phase-Work Manual Book By PhD, Marie S. Dezelic (Author), PsyD, Gabriel Ghanoum (Author), PhD, Ann-Marie Neale (Editor), PhD, Brent Potter (Epilogue), Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design), PhD, Pavel Somov (Foreword) TRAUMA TREATMENT - HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON Includes Reproducible Handouts! Non-assignable permission to reproduce clinician and client handouts in this manual for clinical use. Discovering Meaning in Life, and Tapping

Meaning-Centered Therapy & Trauma Treatment Foundational Phase-Work Manual Book By PhD, Marie S. Dezelic (Author), PsyD, Gabriel Ghanoum (Author), PhD, Ann-Marie Neale (Editor), PhD, Brent Potter (Epilogue), Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design), PhD, Pavel Somov (Foreword) TRAUMA TREATMENT - HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON Includes Reproducible Handouts! Non-assignable permission to reproduce clinician and client handouts in this manual for clinical use. Discovering Meaning in Life, and Tapping

Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual
​Logotherapy & Existential Analysis
Brief Therapy Protocol
For Group & Individual Sessions
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author) Dr. Gabriel Ghanoum (Author) Dr. William Breitbart ( Foreword) Dr. Ann-Marie Neale (Editor's Note) Lexie Brockway Potamkin (Epilogue) Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design)
Includes unique, reproducible, colorful Client Handouts that are to be used in an 8-session protocol in individual and group counseling across clinical settings and spiritual centers. It addresses Existential Exploration, Existential Crisis and Despair, and concerns of the Human Condition through Fostering Meaning and Purpose, and Inner Resources, in clients within a Mind-Body-Spirit Integrative Approach.
Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook
Based on Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy &
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author) Dr. Brigitt Rok ( Foreword), Ann-Marie Neale (Editor's Note) Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design)
based on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Psychology; Included are reproducible handouts—original “Conceptual Pictographs” (coined by Dr. Dezelic) in color, and black-and-white versions, for clinicians and clients. This workbook utilizes a Mind-Body-Spirit integrative approach designed for psychological individual and group therapy, clinical pastoral care, bio-psycho-social-spiritual palliative care treatment, support groups, and personal existential exploration and awareness, and is a complete overview manual for Logotherapy & Existential Analysis.

Elements of Harmony
Experiencing The Reality Of Your Imagination
3D Paintings & Poems
Poems By Dr. Marie Dezelic
Artworks By Chady Elias
The very first of its kind- this unique compilation brings innovative 3-D Art to life right in your own home. Experience the reality of your imagination in 3-D, while being allured to the Artistic world with thought-provoking poetry. All of the Elements, words, colors and beauty, exist in perfect Harmony in this exclusive collection. This is a must have! Every book comes with 1 pair of 3-D glasses to view the 3-D Art.

Art Book By Dr. Marie Dezelic and Artist Chady ELias. The very first of its kind, this unique compilation brings innovative 3-D Art to life right in your own home. Experience the reality of your imagination in 3-D, while being alluded to the Artistic world with thought-provoking poetry. All of the Elements, words, colors and beauty, exist in perfect Harmony in this exclusive collection. This is a must have! Every book comes with 1 pair of 3-D glasses to view the 3-D Art

Art Book By Dr. Marie Dezelic and Artist Chady ELias. The very first of its kind, this unique compilation brings innovative 3-D Art to life right in your own home. Experience the reality of your imagination in 3-D, while being alluded to the Artistic world with thought-provoking poetry. All of the Elements, words, colors and beauty, exist in perfect Harmony in this exclusive collection. This is a must have! Every book comes with 1 pair of 3-D glasses to view the 3-D Art

Art Book By Dr. Marie Dezelic and Artist Chady ELias. The very first of its kind, this unique compilation brings innovative 3-D Art to life right in your own home. Experience the reality of your imagination in 3-D, while being alluded to the Artistic world with thought-provoking poetry. All of the Elements, words, colors and beauty, exist in perfect Harmony in this exclusive collection. This is a must have! Every book comes with 1 pair of 3-D glasses to view the 3-D Art

Art Book By Dr. Marie Dezelic and Artist Chady ELias. The very first of its kind, this unique compilation brings innovative 3-D Art to life right in your own home. Experience the reality of your imagination in 3-D, while being alluded to the Artistic world with thought-provoking poetry. All of the Elements, words, colors and beauty, exist in perfect Harmony in this exclusive collection. This is a must have! Every book comes with 1 pair of 3-D glasses to view the 3-D Art
Motivational Interviewing Cards
Creating Alliance for Change:
Motivating Beyond Resistance with Motivational Interviewing
Quantity of thirty (30), 8.5” x 5.5” glossy cards are designed for clinicians to use in educational and lecture formats, group or individual therapy, treatment adherence, or simply as a study guide for key techniques of the combined approaches of Motivational Interviewing and Logotherapy & Existential Analysis.
Side A: Motivational Interviewing in a Nutshell, core concepts
Side B: Engage-Focus-Evoke-Plan map, with adaptations to include Logotherapy & Existential Analysis (LTEA) skills and concepts
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a widely-used approach in healthcare, counseling, and addictions treatment designed to help clients/patients elicit and activate their own motivation for behavior change and treatment adherence. Drawing from a person-centered, humanistic counseling style, the spirit of Motivational Interviewing focuses on a collaborative approach with the client/patient, a compassionate stance, acceptance through unconditional positive regard, and techniques of evocation, while understanding and exploring the client’s/patient’s ambivalence and personal motivations, listening with empathy, and promoting self-efficacy to empower the client/patient and encourage hope and optimism. By supporting a client’s/patient’s free will and ability for choice, MI utilizes a guiding style of communication, through open-ended and socratic questioning, and exploration of the paradoxes of choices, in order to help clients/patients recognize where they are within the Stages of Change, while evoking their own motivation for lasting change.
Logotherapy & Existential Analysis (LTEA), is a meaning-centered and existential theoretical approach, which provides a strong and sound basis and complement to Motivational Interviewing’s humanistic and existential concepts.