"Take the power of change into your own hands, and be the
difference you want to see in your life today." (M. Dezelic)
Brain-Body Functions Relating to Traumatic Stress and Restoration:
Non-Pathological Physiological Brain-Body Responses to the Environment
© 2015, By Marie Dezelic and Gabriel Ghanoum

The Discovery of Meaning and the Brain’s Assistance
© 2015 by M. Dezelic
Discovery of Meaning: Meaning in the Moment, Meaning in Life, and our Ultimate Meaning that we are walking toward, initially happens and is discovered in our Spiritual Dimension-unique essence.
Our Right Hemisphere of the Brain: Assists in sensing and having an image of this Meaning Discovery, intuitively understanding it with a deep felt-sense.
Our Left Hemisphere of the Brain: Takes the Right Brain information of the Meaning Discovery, and gives it a label with language, to be able to express it verbally to others.
Having a 1 page cheat-sheet of an overview of brain-body functions, assists therapists to be able to explain complex systems in a simple and concise way to clients. Whether we are addressing “Meaning” or other issues in therapy, it is helpful to have brain-physiology information to equip our clients with deeper understanding.
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These Handouts are meant for Mind-Body-Spirit (bio-psycho-social-spiritual) awareness and self-help empowerment. ENJOY!
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