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Kaleidoscope of Energies

Dr. Marie Dezelic

I am dizzy with thought, consumed in enigma

The mystery of me

The perplexity of you

But I can see more clearly than every before

As if through the kaleidoscope of energies

Scarlet Red, tribal dynamisms,

Attachment to group identification

Let me break free

Blazing Orange, creative source

Heated sensuous passion

What do I bring of me

Brilliant Yellow, physicality

Sense of self in the here and now

Do you really know the authenticity

Luscious Green, tender heart

Connector of essence and matter

How do I mediate and negotiate

Deep Sapphire Blue, expressive fountain

Voice of perceptive formation

Can you hear the vibration

Intriguing Indigo, seat of wisdom

Flowing vitalities, rolling thoughts

I know you, and I know me

Tender Violet, embodied senses of all significance

Crystalline grace in effortless movement

Can we be

I can see more clearly than every before

As if through the kaleidoscope of me

© 2012, Dr. Marie Dezelic

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