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Dr. Marie Dezelic

The Challenger: Defiant Power of the Human Spirit

I will not be a product of my circumstances and chances, but a product of overcoming my challenges with my choices.

Let the defiant power of our human spirit ignite our Will to Meaning and Will to Living Life! It's your choice to be a victim or a challenger.

© Dr. Marie Dezelic


Global Teams: Shared Meaning

Connect--Create--Convey: creating global teams and networks of shared meaning and responsibility to one another, to stay connected in community and give of ourselves in various ways of support; self-transcendence at its best. We either thrive together or we die alone.

© Dr. Marie Dezelic


Hope in the Face of Meaninglessness

Hope is the only beacon of light when tragedy, trauma, disruption, and despair strikes. We often lose our way in these moments, blinded by the darkness; meaninglessness can set in, producing an existential vacuum, sucking us in and holding us down. None of us are immune to life's often difficult and tragic circumstances. Can you be the beacon of hope, a torch guiding the way out of the unknown, holding the flame of life alive, for another in their moments of desperation? I am sure they will be more than happy to return the favor when they can.

Holding hands in the human condition. Don't be afraid to reach out, someone's hand is waiting for you.

© Dr. Marie Dezelic


The Resilience Factor: Setting Forward

Facing a 'Set back' can allow us to 'Set Forward' in choices and actions, and ultimately experience 'Self-Transcendence' by being in the flow, in love, engaged in work, connected to others, creatively expressing, sharing our talents, and inspiring others.

Resilience is not a trait of personality, it's a state of being, and it's an 'Option' for everyone! Resilience is about a personally empowered choice. Discovering this fact can be the key to moving forward in the face of life's most difficult circumstances. Release being stuck and fuel your unique Resilience Factor.

© Dr. Marie Dezelic


Meaning in Life: The Fabric of Our Existence

We grow though life collecting meaning nuggets: the joys, laughter, loving, heartaches, fears, tears, and connections. How can we look at this beautiful tapestry of our own unique lives and honor the great and the difficult, the joyous and the most desperate, to witness how we have evolved, become stronger, made choices and accomplished?

Meaning in Life is discovered along the way, and as a part of a whole. How often do we take time to reflect on our unique tapestry with awe and not judgment, with self-acceptance and self-compassion, while it's being weaved into its masterpiece of our lives?

© Dr. Marie Dezelic

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